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An exhibition is a public display of works of art or items of interest. They normally take place in a cultural or educational setting, such as a museum, library, university, or park. If your event meets this criteria and occurs for a period longer than one day, then it is classed as an exhibition and should be uploaded using our Submit an Exhibition Form.
If your event is an exhibition you must use our Submit an Exhibition Form.
One day / evening means the event takes place on one occasion only. On more than one separate day / evening means the event takes place on multiple occasions but with full days between each occasion. Continuously over more than one day / evening means that the event takes place every day / evening over a set period of time, with only standard closing hours between each occasion.
The time your event starts on its first day.
The time your event finishes on its last day.
Your event must be in Preston to be uploaded to the Visit Preston website.