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Lancashire Family History and Heraldry Society

Location:Kingsfold Methodist Church
Website:LFHHS - Preston Branch


The Lancashire Family History and Heraldry Society hold events and meet-ups for Preston members in various locations around the city. Beginner classes are held for new members as well as exhibitions and workshops for old and new.

The Preston branch holds two microfiche readers and copies of microfiche produced by the society, including Preston churches, the 1881 Census of Lancashire and the surrounding counties, and the UK International Genealogical Index by county. You'll also find a lending library, aiding you in your journey.

Regular meetings are held by LFHHS at Kingsfold Methodist Church, with refreshments provided and a monthly raffle. Meet up and begin your journey of discovery!

How to join

For more details, including how to join and membership fees visit Lancashire Family History and Heraldry Society - Membership.

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Map address for Kingsfold Methodist Church

Kingsfold Methodist Church, Padway, Penwortham, Preston, PR1 9EJ