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Lancashire Women's Centres Job Club

Location:Women's Centre, Preston City Centre
Website:Lancashire Women's Centres
Telephone:01772 259211


Based in the city centre, Preston's Lancashire Women's Centre offer weekly volunteer-led job search and application support groups.

Their work clubs are there for you if you need help finding a job, setting up and using email, or simply need to access the Internet to look for work. As well as these work clubs, the centre also undertakes a range of information, advice, and employability activities to support women to have the information, knowledge, and skills they need to get the best out of life.

How to join

The centre's friendly clubs are drop in, however, for more details or questions you use the contact info above or visit Lancashire Women - Talk To Us.

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Map address for Preston Women's Centre

Women's Centre, 7 Lune Street, Preston, PR1 2NL